Bab's Blog

It's just me, in words.

Posting Palooza October 11, 2011

Filed under: Diabetes — babscampbell @ 5:46 pm
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Alot has been written about “SimonPalooza” over the past few days and those, not attending, are apparently either thrilled to read about it, or completely irritated by it.  I wanted to chip in my two-cents worth.

A few months ago, I started seeing postings on twitter about a D-meetup in KC.  I live just outside of KC and whenever I hear of a D-meetup, I’m inviting myself along.  If you don’t want me there, you’ll have to be brutally honest and tell me so.  My take is. . whenever I can meet up with other PWD, share stories, encouragement, support. . I’m going to.  I had just started following @STroyCrow aka: Simon, on Twitter and while I really enjoyed conversing with him, I didn’t know him as well as others did.  That really didn’t matter to me.   The important thing to me?  30 PWD and their loved ones were coming to KC and I wanted to be a part of that.  I want to meet the people who have mentioned me in their blog posts, encouraged me through the toughest year of my life and have allowed me to share a bit of myself with them over the past 2 years.

I’d been looking forward to this weekend for MONTHS.  When suddenly, plans changed for me and I was hospitalized.  As my readers know, I recently underwent surgery; double-mastectomy, left lymph node dissection, right sentinal node mapping and removal, insertion of alloderm and tissue expanders, and removal of a port-a-cath.  On Monday, I spent the night in the emergency room with an unknown infection brewing somewhere in my body.  By Wednesday, it was apparent it was in my right breast and I had immediate surgery to remove the tissue expander and alloderm on the right side.  They would try to grow cultures of the infection to determine the correct antibiotic to use to battle it.  However, nothing was growing, due to the antibiotics I’d received IV in the emergency room.  My weekend plans were slowly slipping away.

Friday night, the party went on as planned at the Collins’ home and I was stuck in Room 412, knowing that all those DOC friends of mine were having a great time.  I was so happy they all kept tweeting!  I couldn’t be there, but I sure felt part of the party by following the twitter feed.  Pictures were being posted, funny statements were shared. . I was still part of the action.  I sat in my hospital room, giggling, and tearing up, and so grateful that social media let’s us be in so many places at the same time.  Later that night, I was thrilled to see a post asking if 10am was a good time to meet to go see @babssoup.  HEY, THAT’S ME!

I expected a few people to show up on Saturday morning, but just as the DOC does everything. . they ALL came.  They ALL CAME together.  What an amazing thing to see 25 people streaming through the halls of Menorah Med Center, all headed to MY room.  Not because they had to or were specifically invited. . . but because they knew I needed it and they gave of themselves, their encouragement, hugs, support, cheering, laughter. . . everything they have they share. As always.

My Dr. came in with the news that the infection had been identified and an antibiotic regimen had been determined and the room erupted in cheers.  The Dr. wasn’t sure he wanted to deliver news to a crowd. . but he was soon feeling like the hero of the day as he announced I could go home and join the party. . . finally.

It reminded me of when Kelly Kunik had her horrible experience with her vision and everyone added an eye patch to their profile pictures.  I’ve never met K2 in person, but I was so excited to be a part of something that made her laugh, let her know we are all praying and fighting for her.  This time it was my turn and I can’t tell you how grateful I am for that one day in which I felt like it was Babsapalooza!

I was finally released from the hospital, came home for a nap and then jumped in to the festivities with wild abandon.  We met for the big BBQ dinner at the Plaza. We stayed at the hotel that night and didn’t get to our room until 1am. (probably a bit too late for a surgical patient) We all met for breakfast the next day and had a great time taping our “You can do this” piece, saying our good-byes and really sharing what each of means to each other.  All of these people inspire me every day.  They are the “rock stars” I admire and look up to.  And some of them shared that I have inspired them . . and I am in total disbelief that I have done so.  But, why not? I’ve learned from the best.  You love, encourage, support, share “lowering BG” vibes with each other, share inspirational thoughts, important scripture verses, all that you are. . you lay it out there and it will be given back to you.

So Simon, my dear friend, thank you.  Thank you for making this weekend possible.  Thank you for working so hard, so many hours and saving all you could to come to America to meet those people who have had an impact on you.  Thank you for sharing your feelings for me and the impact my journey has had on you.  Now, I know you and adore you as much as all these other DOC’ers.  We are related you know. . children of the king.  So brother, I love you and hope the rest of your visit is amazing.  I hope you are showered with love in NYC and you take all that home with you and spread it around.  Until we see you again in 2013. . .we’ll be sending life and love your way via Twitter.

The one thought I leave with is this:
Scott Johnson made a great point this weekend; you can either be a fountain or a drain.  You can either shower others with love or suck the life right out them.  I choose to be a fountain.  Watch out!  You might just get drenched!

Thanks again to all of you for visiting us here in KC!  You’re welcome anytime.


22 Responses to “Posting Palooza”

  1. colleen Says:

    Well, shoot. This made me cry. I’m soooooo glad, happy, joyful that you were able to be there.

  2. Jon (kssoup) Campbell Says:

    Thanks to all! You really did help speed her recovery. I was unsure if we would leave the hospital together but your words and actions of encouragement helped lift her spirits and bring mental and emotional healing too! Mine too! I get the keep experiencing Babsapalooza everyday!

  3. Babs, you are one amazing person. You and Jon touched me in many ways that weekend, and I’m forever grateful. You ARE an inspiration. In the hospital at 10 AM, and partying with us until 1 AM. Amazing. I’m so, so, so, so, so, so glad to have had time to visit with you. You have touched my life and bolstered my faith.

    And for the record, I borrowed that “fountain/drain” line from K2. Funny how stuff comes full circle, isn’t it?

    HUGE hugs to you babs, and your husband, and your family. I love you guys.

  4. […] a big deal. Get it replaced.” so I did. I had flown to KC in March (yeah, a little early for Simonpalooza…) (Click on the link and read how important our DOC connections are…) and went through […]

  5. Kim Says:

    Aaaaand, you’ve made me cry. (Shocking!!)

    Coming to see you (and getting to see you until 1am!) was one of the great highlights of that weekend for me. You are so special, and I hope you never forget that.

  6. Thrilled to have been drenched this weekend by so many amazing people. I hope I sprinkled a little back.

  7. meredith Says:

    so great! i was reading along this weekend and was so happy to see that they were going to visit you!! 😀 yay for the #doc, i love it. and i hope everyone gets drenched 🙂

  8. Meagan Says:

    What a beautiful heartfelt post. I love that the DOC showed up to your hospital room!!! And even better that you were able to join the fun. The DOC has helped me get over so many of my issues with “D”, I am thankful to have found you guys online…hope to be at the next big get-together so we can laugh, hug and eat cupcakes together!!! Thanks for sharing Simonpalooza with us!!! 🙂 xoxo

  9. Sara Says:

    Children of the King. I am proud to be your sister!!

    I didn’t know if you would really want the whole group of us parading into your room and meeting us for the first time that way. But I am so glad we did. It was an honor to meet you and receive so much encouragement from you.

  10. k2 Says:

    The DOC Fountains of Love were surrounding you, and you my dear friend were spouting the love right back – infection or not!!!

  11. […] You Can Do This: The Simonpalooza Edition   And a special one from Babs: Posting Palooza […]

  12. Mike Hoskins Says:

    Oh, Babs!!! It was SO GREAT finally meeting you in person!! You both are so awesome, and it was great hanging with you some that weekend and particularly some of the great conversation. Your post is outstanding – you are such a fountain of awesomeness, and I’m drowning in happiness because of it. Thank you so much for the great tiume!

  13. Rachel Says:

    I wish I could have followed through on being there. I had no idea of your ordeal last week after surgery. I hope things continue to improve for you!!

  14. Jess Says:

    you already know how much i love you. i’ve just come to the conclusion that anything related to simonpalooza is going to make me cry.

    i was so disappointed that you couldn’t come on friday. i’m glad the tweets and pics help. i will never forget going to see you in the hospital, with everyone in our matching shirts. hee hee.

    all those things you said that other people have been for you, you are for me. I feel so amazingly blessed to have you for a friend.

    See you soon! ❤

  15. Debra Says:

    Great Post!! I know you got that saying from others, but I loved it, “I choose to be a fountain”. That is awesome and uplifting. I feel we all should strive to live that way whether we have a cronic illness or not. I know I felt that way just a short time ago, before D, I think I’m getting back to feeling that way again. In the beginnings of my diagnosis I questioned God asking him “Why”. I no longer ask him that, I ask him “What”, “what do you want me to do with it, now that I have it?” I hope in time He will show me.

    • babscampbell Says:

      Thanks for the comment Debra. I loved what you said about asking “What” instead of “Why.” I stopped asking “Why” too and changed to “Who.” Who should I be sharing this experience with? Who should I be encouraging. There are so many that are just ahead of me on the journey and I know there are more to follow. I hope to reach back, show them the way and help them avoid some of the potholes.

  16. shannon Says:

    what a heartfelt post! i followed the festivities from afar and am happy to hear about your experience from the inside. thanks for sharing. 🙂

    (new reader here btw)

  17. George Says:

    This is one of the best posts about the community we are blessed to have. Thank you so much and I cannot wait to meet you one day! SOON!

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