Bab's Blog

It's just me, in words.

Superpower? April 3, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — babscampbell @ 9:01 pm

Day Three:  Superpower Day. If you had a superpower – what would it be? How would you use it?



I don’t know why this prompt is so hard for me.  I’ve been writing off and on all day and I can’t think of one superpower I’d want.  They all seem to have an opposite weakness and I’m too tired, at this point in my recovery, to think of a weakness I’d be willing to face in order to have a power on the other side.

So, I’m going to ask for a “pass” on this prompt.  No super powers, just me, as I am.  Besides, Christ is all the super power I need.  He is my strength, my song, my strong tower, my refuge.  He commands the seas and skies and He calms the storm in me.  I’ve got all the superpower I need, when I call out to Him, from my knees.

And. .

I am super-grateful.



One Response to “Superpower?”

  1. Debra Says:

    “He calms the storm in me”, I really liked that. I have been doing a lot of things that are good for my soul lately, and I am feeling more at peace with diabetes. He has calmed the storm in me:-)

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